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The Hats Podcast

Apr 28, 2021

Get ready, get set, get organized! Spring is a time of fresh starts and renewal. It can be hard to do either if there is stuff out of place everywhere and you are spending too much time trying to find things lost in the mess. Listen in to this episode to get tips on how to organize your home without feeling overwhelmed....

Apr 21, 2021

Failure. Just saying the word can make us do a hard stop and fill our minds with the unimaginable. Failure is commonly paired with negative emotions and responses: fear, anxiety, and paralysis to name a few. But, failure can also be one of our greatest sources of learning and motivation. Listen in as Melissa & Kerri...

Apr 14, 2021

Everyone has a dream. Some dream of spending a year dedicated to visiting every continent. Others dream of losing that final five pounds. Others dream of becoming president. The challenge is not having a dream, but achieving it and living it. Our guest this week, Camille Arianne, had a dream of creating a niche...

Apr 7, 2021

Did you know there are seven different types of rest? Yep, SEVEN! Co-hosts Melissa and Kerri took some much needed creative rest during the hiatus between this Season and Season 2. What kind of rest do you need to ensure that you are fully recharged in every area of your life? Listen in and learn about the different...