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The Hats Podcast

Oct 26, 2022

Some people get the jitters thinking about raising their hand in class to ask a quesion, let alone getting up in front of a large crowd to deliver a presentaion or speech. Others thrive on the stage and seek out opportunities to share their message with as many people as possible. This episode has tips for everyone on...

Oct 19, 2022

Healthy relationships require a level of interdependence that keeps couples connected and moving forward equally together. At some point, interdependence can transform into codependence, an unhealhy relationship status that prevents partnership and feeds on one person taking advantage of the other who serves in a...

Oct 12, 2022

Wear a lot of hats? You experience stress. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. But, stress does not have to have the final word! In this episode, co-hosts Kerri and Melissa tell you a surprising truth about stress that may help you better manage it. It's not rocket science. It's simple and straightforward information that...

Oct 5, 2022

Individuals with disabilities move through our society with a desire to be treated just like everyone else. But, various obstacles - logististical and developmental - can get in the way. In this episode, co-hosts Melissa and Kerri welcome Tennille Tatum Evans who discusses her journey to becoming a mom and special...