Nov 29, 2023
Drugs. Gambling. Food. Pleasure. Thinness. We can become addicted to anything. In this episode, guest therapist Gali Barak gives us an inside view into her own struggle and recovery from addiction, insights on how to help loved ones seized by addiction and help understanding and responding to the humanity...
Nov 15, 2023
Apologizing has become an art form everyone needs to master. It used to be that apologies were about preschoolers hitting each other on the yard, a spouse betraying a spouse, a boss being overly critical. Now, an apology can be the difference between international humiliation, death threats and losing you...
Nov 9, 2023
Having been personally touched by suicide death, co-hosts Kerri and Melissa have been wanting to talk about suicide for quite some time. The word suicide gives rise to so many emotions - fear, shame, guilt, remorse, frustration and more. Listen to two bold and beautiful Black women discuss their lifelong and ongoing...
Nov 1, 2023
Finals are coming up. Tomorrow is your BIG INTERVIEW. Your kid is having a hard time with math. Yesterday your mother had a biopsy and you are waiting for results. The list of stressful situations in any Hatter's life is infinitely long and varied. It can be very tempting to eat your way through these difficult times....