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The Hats Podcast

Feb 15, 2023

Welcome to the Focus on the Family Series! In the next few episodes, we will explore the ins and outs of family life - how they start, how they grow, what shape they take, etc. The notion of the nuclear family is so yesterday! Listen to each episode and see which elements of family resonate with you, which could not be more different, and which sparked some intrigue! This week: pregnancy.

How cool is it that the week we launch The Pregnancy Hat episode, Rihanna announced via a spectacular Super Bowl performance that she is pregnant with her second child! We assume that means this episode is destined for greatness, just like her! In this episode, some of the questions we answer that you've always wanted to, but been afraid to, ask a lawyer and a therapist, are:

  • How will I know if I'm pregnant?
  • What are some common challenges with pregnancy?
  • What if I'm having a hard time getting pregnant?

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Thank you for listening! We tip our hats to you!