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The Hats Podcast

Oct 28, 2020

You think you are; but, are you really? We present ourselves to the world according to the various hats that we wear. But, sometimes we feel as though we are presenting a fraudulent picture. We feel as though we are lying to ourselves and others about who we are and what we can do. If you've ever felt like an impostor...

Oct 21, 2020

Our opinions about how others should live their lives, or how we should be living our own lives differently often color the way we view the world. In other words, we often judge people for their decisions and behavior. Exercising good judgment is a key component to living a healthy life. But, judging others or yourself...

Oct 14, 2020

Parenting your unique child comes with no guidebook or instructions. Yet, fewer jobs will be more challenging. Or, in our world - fewer hats are more difficult to wear. When your parenting approach is riddled with shame, and all of its manifestations, wearing the parenting hat will be doubly challenging for you,...

Oct 7, 2020

Wanderlust ... anybody suffering from it these days? We sure are! We miss the chance to hop on a plane and head off to places far and unknown to zone out and enjoy some downtime. But, if there is one thing we believe, it's that the health and social pandemics that have seized our society will pass. And, there will...